Auto Accidents
If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident that was not your fault, there are many issues to consider:
- Who will pay your medical bills?
- Will you need surgery and/or physical therapy?
- Who will pay to repair or replace your car?
- Are you entitled to a rental car while your car is repaired?
- If you car has been towed to an impound lot, how will you get it out?
- Will you be compensated for lost income?
These are just a few examples of the questions you may have after being involved in a motor vehicle accident. It can be overwhelming to consider all of these issues while suffering from injuries caused in the accident. At The Robert P. Ramirez Law Firm we understand that automobile accidents can be stressful. Our team is here to help guide you through your property damage and bodily injury claims. We will do the work for you so that you may focus your energy on getting well. Give our office a call at (623) 322-3400, we are here to help 24 hours a day!
We handle all types of motor vehicle accidents including:

- Car/Truck Accidents
- Motorcycle Accidents
- 18 Wheeler Accidents
- Commercial Vehicle Accidents
- School Bus Accidents
- Commercial Bus Accidents
- Pedestrian Accidents
- Bicycle Accidents
- Boating Accidents
- Recreational Vehicle Accidents (dirt bikes, quads, etc.)
Keep in mind that there are many different types of motor vehicle collisions… each requiring a different focus:
- Rear End Collisions
- T-Bone/Side Impact Collisions
- Hit and Run Incidents
- Freeway Collisions
- Sideswipe Collisions
- Head-on Collisions

The causes of motor vehicle accidents vary. More often than not, motor vehicle collisions are the result of reckless driving or distractions (such as other passengers in the vehicle, cell phone calls or texting while driving). Add drinking & impaired drivers, tired truck drivers, or defective parts to the list of possibilities and we can see how dangerous our roadways can be! Whatever the cause of the accident, we can help! When a driver gets behind the wheel, they owe each and every one of us a duty of care and have a responsibility to drive with care. If another driver causes an accident, and injures you or your property, they should be held accountable.
At The Robert P. Ramirez Law Firm we do not charge a consultation fee. If the firm accepts your case none of your attorney fees are paid up front. We work on a contingency fee basis, meaning we do not charge a fee unless we are able to recover compensation for you. Once we are able to resolve your case, either through settlement or litigation, we then charge a percentage of the recovery made. At our initial consultation that percentage will be discussed and agreed to by yourself and the firm. In most instances we will also advance the charges/costs associated with prosecuting your case (costs such as fees charged to obtain your medical records, investigation costs, etc…). We understand what you are going through and agree to only get paid if we are able to successfully resolve your claim!